First Year of South Carolina Living
It’s already been a year since we moved to South Carolina from Arizona and it doesn’t even feel like it.
When we first moved to South Carolina, husband and I couldn’t stop mentioning how it felt like we were on vacation. The beautiful views, greenery, and places to visit really made it feel like we weren’t home.
As time progressed, knowing we moved to South Carolina and that the house we live in, we are buying kind of started setting in. As we get to know our neighbors better, it’s starting to feel like home. Since we’ve been here, nobody has been rude or mean. Except for speedster drivers who don’t like you going speed limit. *eyeroll*
Anywho… Most people are nice and there’s just this homey-family feeling about living in a small town, especially when you go to local establishments, such as stores and restaurants.
However, sometimes as I’m driving anywhere, I still have a sense of ‘vacationing’ mode even if I’m running errands. How odd!
We are still adjusting to the weather difference. Last winter was our first winter in South Carolina and it was a first for me, being from desert and husband from NJ. My first snow winter! I’ve been to snowy mountains when living in Las Vegas, but I had never had snow come to me. I didn’t completely hate the cold because I got to wear winter clothing! Hahaha, I know it sounds dumb, but when you live in Phoenix the coldest it gets, maybe in the late evening slash early morning is 40s-50s which turn into 70s-80s during the day.
Our first spring here was lovely! Cool temps and very little bugs. Summer brought the mosquitos, which is fine unless you forget your bug spray! Greenville has a more humid heat whereas Phoenix is dryer (it’s not completely dry, it’s definitely humid there too. Las Vegas heat is way drier than Phoenix!) The difference is when you feel a breeze here in Greenville, it is cool while a breeze in Phoenix feels like opening a preheated oven. We’ve been having lots of rain from which I’ve heard is very unusual and we’re quite ok with that! Husband loves the rain and I don’t mind it as there’s not a lot of lightning nearby.
Exploring has been a little challenging because a few weeks after we moved here we found out we were expecting #2. I don’t know if you know this but when you’re pregnant you want to do as little walking as possible, haha, growing a baby really is exhausting! Now that baby ED is here, we have limited time to be anywhere. Sure, he eats and naps while we’re out, but he has his limits and who doesn’t prefer to nap in their own bed?!
We have ventured to Runway Park in Greenville and Simpsonville City Park. We’ve visited The Children’s Museum of the Upstate, Reedy Falls, and few restaurants downtown. We also went pumpkin and strawberry picking! There is still so much to see and do and plenty of time to do it so we’re not too worried about that!
As far as we can tell, moving to South Carolina has been everything we thought it would be and it was certainly a great decision!
Have you recently moved? How are you adjusting? Is it everything you hoped it would be? Let me know in the comments!
I’ve never been to SC, but it seems like a lovely place
It is beautiful and it’s booming!
I’m so glad you are enjoying your new home. It looks lovely.
Thanks! We are! We love it here!
such a fun post! i have always wanted to move out of state and out of the west to experience seasons so i loved reading your insights about that
I was there and it was a great move, you should try it
South Carolina is so beautiful! I love your pictures! Starting over in a new place can be so difficult.
It suppose it could be! But husband brought his job, so it wasn’t that bad
I’m moving baack to Paris soon. And I can’t wait.
AH, that sounds dreamy!
Your pictures have me missing trees and water! We just moved out West to Arizona and it has been a huge adjustment with the extreme temperatures. I am looking forward to exploring more of the area that surrounds us when it cools down a bit!
Good luck! I do no miss that! lol Come baaaaack
I have always rode thorugh SC (as I am now on the way to FL) but never stayed over or stopped. Will have to one day.
Do it! It’ll be worth it!
Thank you so much for writing this. Me and my family are planning to move to Charleston area this summer for Mesa Arizona. I have been researching South Carolina for months now and nothing I have found has made me second guess our decision. You posting this from the same state has made it that much better. I would love to hear your update now.
Hi Jess! Still lovin’ it! The winters definitely take some getting used to, but I love it in the warmer weather, everywhere I look there are trees and greenery!
So excited we are moving there next month! To Greenville area! I fell in love with it 3 years ago and have been begging to move there ever since and we finally have a contract on a house.
Thank you for the post makes me know we are making the right decision.