Spooky (and Not So Spooky) Halloween Decor

This is Halloween, this is Halloween, Halloween, Halloween, Halloween!

In case you’re new to the party, I love Halloween! Everything from horror movies to costumes and decor, of course!

I always preach about getting your decorations after the holiday when they are on sale, but I actually forgot to do that last year as we had just moved cross country recently and it just totally slipped my mind!

So this year I did purchase a few things to decorate a bit since we didn’t last year.

Giant Spider Web

For this one I actually didn’t know where I would put it until I was standing with it outside. I purchased this web, that’s supposed to be glow in the dark but really isn’t much, and a big fuzzy spider at Walmart. The spider web was about $6 and the spider I think was $3. But now that you know that the spider web isn’t really all that glowy, you could get the cheaper non-glow in the dark for like $2. I love how it turned out and best of all, it was very effortless! It looks freakishly real and I wish I had done this last year!

Mummy Door

This mummy DIY I have seen on Pinterest for years and I finally decided to try it out. It was easy but time-consuming. Mostly because I only purchased one streamer roll from Walmart for $1 and was determined to make it work for the entire door.

I cut the streamer into shorter strips and taped them to the back of the door. Wrapping it around the door is probably faster, but alas, I got it done! I also added some giant googly eyes that we had from a couple years back (I’ve seen them at Target recently for $2!) and cut a smiley mouth out of cardstock and printing paper. Β 

Shelf Knick Knacks

I went to the dollar store in hopes of getting inspired to make something cool to decorate indoors, but unfortunately, that trip turned out unfruitful and only walked out with a light up pumpkin. It looks cute so I guess that’s all that matters. Haha

After the dollar store trip fail, I ventured to Michaels and believe it or not, it was a waste of time as well. Well, I guess not totally because I walked out with a pair of cool skull glass jars with lid and straws that were on sale, so there’s a win! And I love that I’ll be able to use them year round because it’s a pretty cool cup!

I want to make another trip to the stores and see if I can come up with something, or maybe I’ll just wait until stuff goes on sale. We’ll see!

Have you decorated yet or are you planning to? Where’s the best place to get Halloween decor? Let me know in the comments!

little conquest, blog, blogger, mom blogger, parenting, motherhood, kiddo, baby, kid, ventures, adventures, local, travel, lifestyle, DIY, do it yourself, holiday, reviews, movies, products, sites, websites, life, mom life, personal, experiences
KarlaWife, and mother to 2 boys and 2 kitties! Enjoys life and adventures. Loves writing, Pinteresting, and pumpkin spice everything!
8 replies
  1. mystyle5
    mystyle5 says:

    Love the spider web idea! Now I’m just trying to figure out how we could use it around our apartment πŸ˜€ Great looking site too, I like the image animation as you scroll down


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