5 Things to do on Mother’s Day!

Didn’t 2018 just start? How is it almost Mother’s Day already?!

While I love that it is almost Mother’s Day, I hate how fast this year is going by!

So for this year, I rounded up 5 things to do on Mother’s Day that will surely be cherished and remembered.

  • Road Trip

Road trips are fun! Take mom out to a close by destination for a weekend getaway. The key to an enjoyable road trip is to enjoy the ride. It’s not only about the destination but the ride itself! Pack lots of snacks and plan fun games to play and make the drive feel relaxed!

  • Family Picnic

Cook her favorite meal or get some take out and set up a picnic at the park!

  • Wine and Paint

Have a wine and paint party at home! Buy some canvases and paint away! Not only will you have fun, but you will have a keepsake to display FOREVER!

  • Karaoke Night

I don’t think I need to sell this, this baby sells itself! Haha

  • Ask Mom what she wants to do!

If you are stumped on what to do sometimes the best thing to do is to ask her what she wants to do! Or… simply because who knows what she likes better than herself?!

For more ideas on how to celebrate, you can check out Mother’s Day: Things To Do!

Whatever you do with Mom this Mother’s Day, take a ton of pictures and put a scrapbook together, it’ll make a great present later on! And if you still need gift ideas, check out 5 Gift Ideas Mom Will Love!

How will you be spending time this Mother’s Day?

little conquest, blog, blogger, mom blogger, parenting, motherhood, kiddo, baby, kid, ventures, adventures, local, travel, lifestyle, DIY, do it yourself, holiday, reviews, movies, products, sites, websites, life, mom life, personal, experiences
KarlaWife and mother to a toddler boy and 2 kitties! Enjoys life and adventures. Loves writing, Pinteresting, and pumpkin spice everything!
6 replies
  1. tredding7
    tredding7 says:

    Great post! I wrote a very similar one for my blog, although mine are more general suggestions than these. The main thing is to spend quality time together and to do what she wants to do.


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