Our Toddler is finally being sweet and cuddly!
What parent doesn’t like loving attention from their toddlers?
I love when baby CJ decides to show me some love, especially because it doesn’t happen often. If I ask for a hug or a kiss and he ignores me or walks away, I accept it. Sadly, but I accept it.
I don’t believe in forcing my child to show me affection. It has to come from him. I believe this way, he grows up knowing that he doesn’t owe anybody anything when they ask for it if he doesn’t want to do so and vise-versa.
As you may or may not remember from My Baby Hates Cuddles post, I talked about how at 3 months old, baby CJ was his own baby. He later started opening up to hugs. All by himself!
As of lately, he’s been sweeter and cuddlier than ever! Husband thinks it’s a phase because if I’m busy or holding something where I am unable to hug back, he starts to scream and cry. He calls it the clingy phase. I wish I could hug him every time he wants a hug because I don’t want them going to waste, but sometimes it’s impossible to do so. It breaks my heart when he cries, but I also wish he understood that when I’m holding a knife cutting chicken, it’s probably not the best time for a hug.
Sometimes it just feels like he’s buttering us up. Let me elaborate. He does something he’s not supposed to, so he runs to one of us and starts to hug and kiss. Who can stay mad at that? He really knows how to play us sometimes!
Whatever his motives are, we’re glad to see that he is developing some smarts! Haha.
When did your little one start showing you some love?
Awwww full of cuteness and figuring out the world. <3
Thank you! He is very inquisitive!
These pictures are so lovely and so beautiful. What a magical time with you and your baby.
Aww thanks! And yes, I am loving this time! Hope it doesn’t change with baby number 2!
My youngest is doing this too… Hugging when I have a knife in my hand chopping and can’t pick him up and he starts to cry. He also does it when he has done something he isn’t supposed to. Enjoy the hugs and cuddles when you can.
How adorable and scary! haha. They know us too well, that they know a hug will fix things!
Enjoy – snuggles are the best!
Oh, I am enjoying every single one that I can!
Cuddly-seasons must be he best!
It is! Just hope it lasts a long time!
gahhhhh im not much of a baby person BUT I love a good cuddle-sesh with my chunky bunny Freckles!! <3
Xoxo, Mikayla Jai
Haha! I totally get you, pre-baby I would cuddle with my kitties! lol
Baby cuddles are absolutely the best! Enjoy every second!
They are, and I’m over the moon about it! For the longest time I thought my baby would never let me cuddle lol
These pictures are so cute! I love babies! It’s so rewarding watching them grow :’)
It is! Sometimes the days go by too fast and when you realize, you’re just sitting there thinking, “How are you so big already!”
Awww, a little man with a mind of his own
My bubbas give the most amazing cuddles and I absolutely love it. Glad Cj is spreading the 

Thank you! and Isn’t it just the best?! Let’s enjoy this time before they turn into teenagers who talk back! lol
so cute! can’t wait til I have my own little bundle of joy!
Oh man, it’s the best! Sometimes you’ll feel like you’re going insane, but overall, it’s very worth it!
Great that you’re letting your baby grow up to be his own person
Yes! We love that he is his own little person! We can’t wait to see what he does when he starts talking full sentences
Awww! This is too cute. I think this would happen also in the feature for my expecting sister! She will be giving birth to a baby boy next month. Thanks for sharing ♥️ ♥️ By any chance you are interested on doing collaborations, you can connect with amazing brands through the influencer directory of Phlanx.com!
Yay! I’m due with #2 next month too!
Looking forward to seeing how this one will be, maybe he’ll let me cuddle him more! LOL