Spring Cleaning Tips

Spring is right around the corner, which means Spring Cleaning!

I love cleaning, but it’s not so much fun while pregnant! The way I get around to cleaning is by doing one thing at a time. Sounds like it could take forever, but at least things get cleaned at some point. Haha.

Here are some spring cleaning tips to help ease the pressure of deep cleaning for the season!

Divide your home into one room per day

What exactly does this mean? Plan to really deep clean one room each day. Determine whether there’s a specific order in which they need to get done or simply pick a starting corner of your house.

Divide among people who live in the home

This one would be my favorite if baby CJ knew or had interest on what cleaning was. If you have older kids, this will be your favorite! Assign a room to each kid and as soon as they are finished, assigned another unassigned room until completely finished! It is also the fastest way to get your deep cleaning done!

Divide by Task

Another method I like to use is dividing by task. For example, one day I will sweep and dust and the following day, I mop. One day I’ll clean all bathrooms and so on. I feel like this way is just a simpler one sweeping motion where I don’t have to pull out different cleaning devices for different cleaning needs. When I sweep and dust all I need is a cleaning rag and the broom. When I clean all bathrooms, I simply carry all cleaning chemicals and rags from bathroom to bathroom.

Hire a cleaning company

There is no shame in hiring a cleaning company to do your spring cleaning once a year! We’ve done it and it is great! It might be pricey depending on the size of your home, but you will find that it’s easier and it actually motivates you to maintain the cleanliness because you just spent all that money on cleaners. Haha.  

Whatever method you choose, remember to have fun! Everything goes by faster when you’re having fun! Just turn up the music and get to it!

How will you be doing your spring cleaning?

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KarlaWife and mother to a toddler boy and 2 kitties! Enjoys life and adventures. Loves writing, Pinteresting, and pumpkin spice everything!
38 replies
  1. Diann Ewan
    Diann Ewan says:

    I love your last suggestion. None of the endless magazine articles that give “easy cleaning tips” say it’s okay to hire cleaners.

  2. Joyce
    Joyce says:

    I read this and I was like “divide among people who live in the home” looking around and realized ohh I’m a lone. I dedicate a day for everything with a nice music once a week since there is no much to clean around.

    • Karla
      Karla says:

      I clean by myself most of the time and I love doing it with loud music! haha I wish I could do everything once a week, but it’s hard with a toddler!

  3. reshamadgmailcom
    reshamadgmailcom says:

    divide and conquer seems like a great idea! i think it would be a great way to get some exercise in as well. having some company while doing spring cleaning is also a great way to spend time together.

  4. Sara
    Sara says:

    I really need to spring clean my house I’ve been constantly doing quick cleaning for the last three weeks and I think it’s showing even if everyone else doesn’t think so

    • Karla
      Karla says:

      I feel like that sometimes too! I think the reason why everyone else doesn’t think so is because they don’t realize how clean it was right after it was cleaned!

  5. Sahra
    Sahra says:

    perfect tips! I have a small home so I can clean it all in one morning and I do it every Saturday! Setting a date and time helps me work it into my schedule and ensure it’s always done!

    XO Sahra
    Que Sera Sahra

    • Karla
      Karla says:

      Thank you! and doing it on your own isn’t necessarily bad! I do it myself most of the time, so I get to crank up the music and take my time!

  6. Libby
    Libby says:

    I love to clean. I’ll be starting my deep spring cleaning soon and I cannot wait to get my house in order for the new season. Spring and sunny weather really motivate me to clean. So it’s one of my favourite seasons along with autumn.

    • Karla
      Karla says:

      You’re welcome! And you’re totally right! Do what you can manage and if you don’t finish, continue the following day! –Rome was not built in a day! 🙂

  7. barbshelton
    barbshelton says:

    These are great, easy, doable suggestions for tackling big jobs! Kudos to you for even DOING this when you’re pregnant! I agree that music definitely makes it more fun!

    So does your suggestion to have family members chip in apply even when your kids have all moved out and have their own homes? 😁 I will just tell them “But Karla said!”

    You asked what our ideas are and this is one of mine for cleaning out any room, closet, or garage that’s in shambles!! http://www.honeycomboasis.com/single-post/How-to-Organize-a-TOTAL-MESS

    • Karla
      Karla says:

      Hehe 😀 Thank you! I think you can always try getting your kids to help out even if they don’t live there! lol you did bring ’em into this world, the least they can do is help with spring cleaning haha 😉 I love your organizing idea! I have a similar system, except I don’t use bags during the process, but that would make it a whole lot easier!

  8. Dani
    Dani says:

    Thank you for sharing. You make the process of a hard task seem so simple. Really love how clean and beautifil your website is. I bet your home is so clean and well organized.

  9. Melanie
    Melanie says:

    I LOVE your last tip! I don’t see enough of these posts suggesting hiring help. Sometimes we really do need that extra help, especially if it’s for a big spring clean. One of my goals this year, is to set aside some money for that and once we move or spring hits (whichever is first), we hire a cleaning company to professionally clean. That said, this was a good reminder to just do a little cleaning every day before it piles up. Thank you! 🙂

    • Karla
      Karla says:

      I’ve noticed that too! There’s nothing wrong with enlisting professional help. Some people are just too busy or maybe there’s just too much to do or simply splurging on this thing once a year is totally worth it!


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